- For the love of Nature -

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Gallery 7

Copyright: Christopher Wordsworth Andrew at Wordsworth250.com

Jane Lamb: Surprised by Joy

Elizabeth Payne: Fidelity

Malcolm Hebron: Nutting

Matt Heath: The Simplon Pass

Louise Salter: Travelling

Clive Gardener: Tintern Abbey

Keir Alexander: Composed Upon Westminster Bridge

Ben Hall: On the Extinction of thee Venetian Republic

Alex Went: Intimationss of Immortality (extract)

Cally Foster: The Solitary Reaper

Chris Harper: I know an Aged Man

Paul Thompson: The Power of Music

Paul Lodge: Lucy Grey

Tom Chambers To Toussaint L'Ouverture

Pete Rawlings: The Prelude (extract)

Tristan Burke: Elegiac Stanzas

Ron Tobey: The Prelude (extract)

Janette Heffernan: The Daffodils